Quiescent speaker blocks

Peak cable module absorbs speaker vibration

“But what really surprised me were the speaker modules – I never knew there was so much noise in the amplifier/speaker chain.” Nick, Surrey

Vibration is the problem

By design speakers vibrate air particles to produce sound – 50% of the energy into the room but 50% goes into the cabinet as the driver cones move back and forward.

Some energy is absorbed by the cabinet but a lot escapes through the crossover and via the speaker cables into the amplifier, metal being an excellent mechanical conductor. As the whole system connects to the amplifier unwanted energy travels into every component and every circuit, creating “microphony”, spurious signals.

Quiescent Speaker Modules are inserted between the existing speaker cables at either amplifier or speaker end and are massively effective at absorbing energy.

Like cleaning the lens of an expensive camera they allow the full benefits of upgrades earlier in the system to be heard.

Read more here (and scroll down) how the Quiescent speaker modules are excellent absorbers for removing damaging energy. And there are mains modules …

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Quiescent speaker blocks

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