
We decide what to stock

No manufacturer or importer imposes quotas on us – we decide what we sell.

The equipment we stock is chosen over a long period of time, after comparative listening tests, backed up with enquiries within the trade about reputations of the products, the manufacturers and their suppliers, reliability and the service back-up. How can we supply a good service if the kit isn’t up to scratch?

There are well-known brands that we think are over-priced, over-hyped, and/or unreliable and expensive to repair. Remember that BIG brands have big overheads such as advertising and distribution.

Some retailers have a bewildering range of products, but we prefer to choose carefully at the outset and concentrate on a core of components. All give good value at their different prices, while some are recognised world references, the élite. Where possible we also aim to stock components that have an upgrade path, fairer to you than having to sell at a loss and buy again.

We are not under any pressure from any supplier to stock or sell any product. We choose.

So if we stock only a few brands how do you compare four amplifiers that have caught your eye?

Upgrading – exterminate pollution

Stacked Quiescent mains modules

Stacked Quiescent mains modules, absorbing vibration and RFI from both the system and the mains

If you are not satisfied with what comes out of the speakers it’s likely to be something back in the chain.

Fundamentally important point: before you change a major component, talk to us about your concerns. We will offer free home trials of mains cleaning, RFI and energy control components from Quiescent – they will radically upgrade your whole system, not just one item, and often for less than the cost of the change you were considering.

Usually the difference between products at about the same price will not be as significant as the changes we can make with system matching and exterminating pollution. You will be astonished just how much performance is lurking in your existing system when you tackle these crucial areas. Read the experiences of customers who started out sceptical in  What Others Say.

Here’s a system with very simple electronics that was transformed after adding Vertex items: Alan Sircom.  Read on to the second story where he’s struggling with his dislike of ‘accessories’! It’s quite amusing.

As we say Just listen and you’ll know.”

Latest News

Clean mains: Reviewer hears 50% gains in his system

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“Accessory of the Year” from HiFi + magazine, for supports and speaker modules

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“Noise” grounding, reveal a new soundscape

Ground electrical “noise” in digital systems, reveal more music. “The...

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Quiescent speaker blocks

“But what really surprised me were the speaker modules –...

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"When love and skill work together expect a masterpiece".

John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)